pimples, spots or zits
Released on = November 18, 2006, 1:45 am
Press Release Author = 1adultacne.info
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = An inflammatory rash that affects the face, upper back, and chest, which consists of blackheads, cysts, papules, and pustules, and occurring primarily during teenage years and youth.
Press Release Body = An inflammatory rash that affects the face, upper back, and chest, which consists of blackheads, cysts, papules, and pustules, and occurring primarily during teenage years and youth.
These are generally referred to as pimples, spots or zits.
There\'s actually no prediction as to how long will they prevail, or how much time will it take to recover. For most people it diminishes over time and tends to disappear, or at least reduces, after one reaches their early twenties. On the other hand, there\'s no way to predict as to how long it will take to vanish completely, and some individuals will persist suffering from it sometime later, maybe into their thirties and forties or it may also happen that they keep on having it till they die. Acne affects a large proportion of humans at some point in their life.
The usual acne lesions are: Comedones, papules, pustules, nodules and inflammatory cysts. These are the more inflamed form of pus-filled or reddish bumps, even boil-like tender swellings. Non-inflamed \'sebaceous cysts\', more correctly called epidermoid cysts, occur either in involvement with acne or alone but are not a constant feature. After resolution of acne lesions, prominent ugly scars might linger.
The majority form of acne is known as \"acne vulgaris\", which means \"common acne.\" Too much secretion of oils from the sebaceous glands combines with naturally occurring dead skin cells to block the hair follicles.
Besides scarring, its major effects are psychological, such as reduced self-esteem and despair. Acne usually appears during teenage years, when people already tend to be most publicly insecure.
Apart from these, there are many misconceptions and rumors about what exactly causes them to some say those chocolates, french fries, sugar, and other things associated with it. Eating quality products can prevent acne.
Poor personal sanitation can be a reason. Acne\'s are not caused by dirt. This false impression most likely comes from the fact that acne involves skin infections. In fact, the blockages that cause acne occur deep within the narrow follicle channel, where it\'s almost impossible to clear them away. These are formed by the cells and sebum created there by the body. The bacteria involved are the same bacteria that were always present on the skin. Difference among most individuals is due to cleanliness. If these are not cleaned gently, they may actually worsen the case and persuade new ones by injuring or aerating skin.
Contact Soumen for more insights into this topic. Direct line: +91-33-22865646 Email: soumen@nettrackers.net Other helpful information regarding the event can be found at: http://www.1adultacne.info
Web Site = http://www.1adultacne.info
Contact Details = Soumen 22/C GoraChand Road Kolkata , 700014 $$country
+91-33-2286564 soumen@nettrackers.net http://www.1adultacne.info
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